Landlord reviews for

Kopal Tandon in Kingston upon Hull

Average Landlord Rating: 3
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Kopal Tandon, Kingston upon Hull

Reviewed 27 September 2018
The landlord lives far from the flat and as far as we can tell has not visited the flat in many years. She takes no interest in the state of it.
As well as the previously mentioned issues with the flat, there were no lights in 2 rooms in the property for 7 months. We had agreed when making an offer that the worst problems would be fixed within 6 weeks, none of them were. Despite being reasonable in terms of access and repeatedly reminding the landlord of their duties and the word given when accepting the offer, most issues are still unsolved 10 months later. Furthermore, the landlord instructed a friend to visit the flat without our permission, which is trespass, but had the misfortune to leave a coat behind as evidence. We would not recommend renting from the landlord.
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